Daisy's Dictionary

Word Meaning What Daisy does
(what we say) (What puppies should do/know)  
Siiiit Bottom on floor Sits on floor but not cold grass
Droooop Lie Down Lies down
Nooo Stop, don't do that Sits in a perfect pose
Staaay Do not move watches Kel  leave
Heeeel Walk beside  gets dragged on occasion
Stand Stand still you cant tell as her legs are so small
Leave Don't touch that She wasn’t touching it anyway
Down Get off that Gets off and sits beautifully
Munch Eat Starts to eat
Shake Paw shakes with hand Shakes with either paw
Hi5 Paw touches hand Paw toaches hand when she wants
Bye Wave with paw Sits perfectly in arms so can wave
Ta Give me that Drops what she had and batts eylids
Fetch Go Get that not sure as I havent seen a fetch yet
Going to school Leaving now/back later Sits on mat and smiles sweetly
Commando Lie down and army crawl does the army crawl with perfect paws
Bang lie on side and play dead plays dead
Roll Over lie on belly and roll over rolls over
Naughty Stop and see what is wrong has a look of shock as she is never naughty
Kisses Lick where I point licks where you point